Have you ever had no passion, then two and perhaps three passions and then not know which one to pursue?
Well, this predicament fell into my lap as a ripe high school leaver.
After a 'GAP year' (aka 12 months to figure out what on earth I was going to do)
I realised that Interior Design was a way of fusing my passion for biology, psychology and the creative arts.
I was able to harmonise interiors to reap the benefits of mental wellbeing and clarity, adopt a sustainable focus through the use of recycled and innovative materials and products and let my creative juices flow.
Studying Interior Design & Decoration provided me with the fundamentals behind design but working for a growing volume builder gave me the real life industry experience and a opportunity to flourish.
The impulse to create something unique for each individual and do so with emotion and kindness being at the core, fuels my desire to be an Interior Designer so my clients can be the best version of themselves, as well as I can.
Chloe x